Environmental Impact Reports
Foothill College, Los Altos Hills Ca. for Facilities Master Plan EIR, Foothill- De Anza Community College District. Geotechnical and geologic hazards review and analysis for proposed new campus master plan
The Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterrey County, Ca. for Pacific Union Company and the Rancho San Carlos Partnership. Geotechnical and geologic hazards analysis for planned 350 unit estate development on 20,000 acres
Rancho Laguna Subdivision EIR, Moraga, Ca. for Sponamore Associates and the Town of Moraga. Geotechnical and geologic hazards review and constraints analysist for proposed 23 unit subdivision on Rheem Boulevard
Camino Tassajara Subdivision EIR Danville, Ca. for Sponamore Associates and Contra Costa County. Geotechnical and geologic hazards review and constraints analysis for 1000+ unit residential development on Camino Tassajara Road
Oak Knoll Estates Residential Development EIR, Concord, Ca. for Sponamore Associates and the City of Concord. Geotechnical and geologic hazards review and constraints analysis for 205 unit subdivision on Ygnacio Valley Road
Marina Dunes Property, Monterey County, Ca. for Elgar Hill and Associates. Erosion and geologic hazards studies for environmental assment of 27 acre addition to Marina State Park
Dunnell-Burton Properties, Fairfield, Ca. for Elgar Hill and Associates and the City of Fairfield. Geotechnical and geologic hazards evaluation for 600 acre, 641 unit residential development on the west side of Highway 680
Southern Watershed Property, Crystal Springs Reservoir, San Mateo County for Thomas Reid Associates. Geologic field and airphoto analysis studies for 390 acre undeveloped watershed lands of the City of San Francisco.
Shadow Cliffs Recreational Development EIR, Pleasanton, Ca. for Elgar Hill and Associates. Geotechnical and geologic hazards analysis for conversion of existing gravel quarry to a regional park